What career path should I choose, violinist or all around computer engineer(software/hardware)?
Question by K Mart: What career path should I choose, violinist or all around computer engineer(software/hardware)?
These are my two favorite hobbies and I really for the most part want to choose what I should go for. I am a sophmore in high school and I am currently playing on violin La Folia from Suzuki violin book 6, I realize I am quite far behind in expectations but I really love to play my instrument. Than again is it even worth it to persue a career in violin because there are so many people that are so much better than me, for instance my friend has just finished mastering the mendalsonviolin concerto in eminor 1st movement. Let me tell you he played this amazingly and I believe he could pull off a career in violin but pitting me against him and all the other uber young violinists in the world do I even have a chance. Now on the computer side of things, I can honestly say I am one of the most nerdiest(computer knowledge wise) kids in my school. I am currently building a computer, making viruses, generating special effects and making movies, and experimenting with many different types of computers in my free time besides violin. I believe that if I go to school for this in the future I might have a high chance of succeeding in what ever computer field I enter into. But in the end I would still love to be playing my violin with an or orchestra or even a small band for that matter, than being cooked up behind a desk and instructed to make excell spreadsheets all day. All in all I believe that the computer path is a much more stable one but yet the music path is so much more enjoyable. Also I wish to make around 100 grand a year, which of these career choices do you think is more possible?
Best answer:
Answer by ?
Why not do both with one as a diversion for the other.
You need food for the body which you can earn with your computer skills.
You need food for the soul which playing the violin can provide you with.
Local chambers of music could perhaps use you musical talent as well.
I doubt you would be able to make $ 100 grand a year playing the violin.
However with computers it is another story. I do not know but I would imagine cyber-security is an all important aspect of the computer industry.
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