What do you do with an adult child?

Question by Jessica Rose: What do you do with an adult child?
My brother is turning 22 next week, and he is living with my parents and has no job and is not in school. He plays video games all day and says he’s going to be a scriptwriter for Hollywood, once they discover him. And I’m talking, he thinks his script will be the next Zelda game, literally. My parents are exasperated, they don’t know what to do because he won’t go to school or get a job, he doesn’t care that he doesn’t have a car (he has the same attitude as the Brad Pitt character in Fight Club, he’s against the “system” and paying for a car and insurance would be giving in to the system), and they don’t want to throw him out because it makes my mom sick just thinking of what could happen to him. She’s worried that he would start selling drugs with one of his loser friends. He definitely has ADHD but it’s very hard to keep him on any medication. For a while he was pretending he was schizophrenic and saying he always talks to voices, but that whole story faded away once he got bored with it. What would other parents do in this situation?
Yeah they have given that ultimatum, he acts interested like he will, but never follows through. The hardest part now is that my mom doesn’t know how to follow through.

Best answer:

Answer by Baby 2: Due 10-9-08
Your parents should give him an ultimatum. Get out or get a life. Get a life meaning either go to school or get a job.

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