What do you think about the movies making everything 3D now?

Question by $RicH$BOY$: What do you think about the movies making everything 3D now?
ok so im a little stoned but anyways. I was just reading a article and they said that the weinsteins are trying to do scream 4, halloween 3, and like alot of their upcoming movies in 3d and i start to think like eww i think 3d sucks..WHY are they doing this??the 3d is so majorly mediocre its rediculous..the glasses are uncomfortable and the picture sucks with them on! and when u try to take them off the screen is blurry….thats what i think about 3d..what do you guys think? which do you prefer? i prefer a non 3d movie anytime!

Best answer:

Answer by b3forelife
i agree i hate 3d it makes me dizzy and gives me a headach and now they are making some youtube videos avaible in 3d no joke! i think its just the idea of it makes them sell more tickets for movies like ice age dosent sound as cool as ” Ice Age 3d!”

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