What is the best movie making software of any CPU (Windows cpu) that i can use for school projects.?
Question by Hattiyah: What is the best movie making software of any CPU (Windows cpu) that i can use for school projects.?
Sorry, but my question didn’t fit the whole silly thing, but anyways:
What is the best movie making software of any CPU (Windows cpu) that i can use for school projects with all proffesional effects (ex: blood stains, or fake rain). Also please tell me the best video camera, that will be able to be tranfered to the movie maker, (because some softwares don’t accept the videos). Please tell me the best of the best. Thanks to all. 🙂
wow, you took blood stains seriously, lol; thats alright though…i understand…that was just an example. Anyways ummm…yes anyone with a gd answer that doesn’t insult me…thanx
Best answer:
Answer by arveen paria arasuk
windows movie maker or flash
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