What is the best way to get a screenplay/script out?
Question by Mystic: What is the best way to get a screenplay/script out?
What is the best way to sell it?
Best answer:
Answer by AngelAura
It is as competitive as an acting career.
There are about a million and one books on what to do with your screenplay, once you’ve finished it. If you have no training, background, etc. and you just wrote something >> your best bet is go do it yourself.
Hire, rent or borrow some camera equipment, get volunteer actors and crew (probably craigslist), make a budget [you’ll need a few bucks] and shoot the film yourself. Just submit the film to festivals and see if you get in.
You can also enter a script in contests and fellowships; where, if you win, you get paid (for some of them) and often; with fellowships, a year of study with top screenwriters & producers.
Finally, you can go to film school and/or screenwriting degree programs; where you will get use of camera, crew, etc. for the price of your tuition and/or scholarship.
In a pinch, you can do it all with camcorders and put it up on YouTube, in ten-minute increments; and hope someone discovers you, too.
Check out some books on screenwriting and the business of . . .
There’s also a magazine called SCRIPT and another one called CREATIVE SCREENWRITING. Probably available on-line or via Barnes & Noble, in your city.
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