What is the best way to self publish a book?

Question by Shiru C: What is the best way to self publish a book?
I’ve been researching on what I needed to do to get a book out from those POD (print on demand) publishers like Lulu and Createspace, and I’m having trouble on copyrights and isbn numbers. Mostly the technical stuff that I really don’t want to mess with until I get an understanding of them.

Should I even bother to get a copyright registered? They cost around 35 bucks online.

Also, should I get my own ISBN number or does it even matter that I get an ISBN number created by Lulu or Createspace?

My goals aren’t too great in the financial department. I know that I’m not going to make a living out of my book, but it would be nice to get at least some money out of it. (get at least a hundred sold, more would definitely be great) I still want it to have potential to be popular or be made into a movie script or something. So that leads to my other question. Should I just send a manuscript to an authentic publisher instead? The problem I have with that also is that that would take a long time for it to be published and I would like it to be published fast enough when I’m done with the story.

If I self publish, will the authentic publishers not even consider my work if I don’t take it off the market (or have an ISBN from lulu or createspace)?

Best answer:

Answer by KK
Your biggest issue right now is impatience. That will kill any real chances your novel may have no matter how good it is. If your writing and hopes for publishing mean that much to you then please take the time to query agents and publishers. Yes, you may get it rejected several times and it could take a few years if anything happens at all. But if you value your work then take the time to invest in it properly.

If the only reason you are doing this is for fame/popularity then you’re doing it for the wrong reason. Do this because you love to do it, not because popularity matters.

Pick up a copy of “The Writer’s Market” and start doing your research. You owe it to your manuscript to give it a chance other than the self-publishing route. Self-publishing isn’t entirely a bad thing, mind you, but definitely not the best route.

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