What is the difference between Sony Vegas movie studio 9 and Sony Vegas Pro 9?
Question by nightlyspell: What is the difference between Sony Vegas movie studio 9 and Sony Vegas Pro 9?
Can anyone tell me what the difference is, anyone who’s tried them or just knows about them? I don’t get it cause the price is considerably different, so I was wondering if Movie Studio 9 has kind of the same options and advantages as Pro 9… I want to buy one of them, and at the moment I’ve heard (and seen) that Sony Vegas is the best of softwares. I want to make sure that if I’m paying for it, at least I’m buying a good product.
Best answer:
Answer by Oohay
Vegas IS one of the best NLEs out there. Even more user friendly than Adobe Premiere, and much more intuitive.
The main difference between MovieStudio and Pro are the amount of tracks allowed. Pro allows unlimited video and audio tracks (with color correction) and support for 5.1 surround mixing with panning and 192kHz/24bit audio, while Movie Studio only allows up to 4 video and 4 audio tracks max. without 5.1 panning support or 5.1 Dolby AC3 encoding (except for Movie Studio Platinum) and only 48kHz/16bit audio.
There are other media import features that Pro has the Movie Studio don’t but you’re probably not gonna use them, like Red One, SD/HD-SDi, XDCAM.
If you don’t need more de 4 audio/video tracks for all-at-once heavy content edition or ultra high quality audio, than you might be OK with just Movie Studio.
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