What is the episode of Home Improvement where Mark makes a movie about killing his parents?
Question by Amanda H: What is the episode of Home Improvement where Mark makes a movie about killing his parents?
In one episode of Home Improvement / Tool Time, Mark is dressing like a goth and he has to make a movie. He decides to make it a horror film starring Tim and Jill, but when they get a little curious after finding where the movie is hid, the watch it. They feel like it is talking about Mark feeling like he is the least favorite child in the family. After they watch it, they still go on with the movie, pretending that they never saw it. What was that episode called and where can I find a script of the movie that Mark did or a video? I want to re-make that scene starring my mom and step dad. Can anyone please give me information on where to find it?
Best answer:
Answer by musicloveoldies
the episode title is “A night to Dismember” originally aired on October 28th-1997.not sure about a script but you might be able to watch it on you tube
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