What movie is this? Please help!?
Question by ~Blair~: What movie is this? Please help!?
It’s in a small town, maybe something Mexico-ish. There’s a blond girl, populer and queen bee. She and her family take a girl from a foreign country for a student-exchange kind of thing. But that girl takes the queen bee’s boyfriend, friends etc. I remember a scene that the queen bee shouts ‘That’s my diet coke!’ because the foreign girl drank it and queen bee is sensitive about it. Oh, and in one scene, queen bee was painting her toes, and the foreign girl went hunting with queen bee’s dad. In the end, both of them were making a presentation about a competition -i’m not sure- and queen bee said something about pigs that made foreign girl emberrased.
Yeah, classic story, But i watched it years ago and i really want to find which movie it is.
It’s comedy, but also has a drama part i think. Queen bee is left alone when foreign girl takes everything.
Ok, it’s a classic Hollywood teen movie, from 2002-2003 or something. I saw it on TV, like 3 years ago. There was something about cows, they kept showing them so i think that town was in Texas. The foreign girl was from France or Spain. She was wearing that weird French hats at the beginning. Foreign girl became a member of the cheerleader squad, replacing the queen bee. In the cheerleading dance she made some weird moves, like exposing herself or something. Queen bee is blond, barbie-like bimbo, and the foreign one is short, brunette haired. The queen bee was rich, too. Oh, and the foreign girl sabotaged the queen bee, making her look like she’s using drugs. She made her fail on a lesson.
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Answer by Ash
Is it a comedy?
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