what sort of things could i film to make a good movie?
Question by Pinkel: what sort of things could i film to make a good movie?
I have just got my new video recorder and i want to record something and make a movie but i don’t know what to record! (any idea’s?)
P.S . also do you know any good movie editing software that is free and easy to use?
Best answer:
Answer by YlangYlang
Well what interests you?
A nice thing just to start with would be filming your friends when youre having a party or whatever then editing it together with some cool music.
After that you can decide what your capabilities are and shoot from there.
Another good way to start is to write a story or script, then film that.
If you are a PC user then you should have windows movie maker already on your PC.
and if youre a Mac user you should have iMovie already installed as it came with iLife
good luck!!
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