What to film movie for class on?
Question by fashion `x splash! ♥: What to film movie for class on?
For one of my classes I need to make a movie. It needs to be 4 – 5 minutes long, and can be a music video, public service announcement, or documentary. Creativity is a DEFINITE plus, and I can use as many people as I need, though I would rather not use a large amount. And by public service announcement it doesn’t have to be boring, it can be something silly that simply has a message to it, such as “no cell phones in class”, or “don’t use superpowers in school” or something like that haha. Any ideas? Be creative, please!
*the lead role for the movie has to be for me, a girl! lol*
Best answer:
Answer by Georgia N
Make your Movie a Comedy, everyone loves a good laugh! Maybe you could base it around music, because everybody likes music. What about you film it about a Musician getting ready for her show when something bad happens, you can decide what that is!
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