what was the name of this 90s kids movie?
Question by Brent’s GF: what was the name of this 90s kids movie?
it was a comedy about a little orphan boy who was raised by nuns and fostered/adopted by many ppl who couldnt handle him on account of him being really bad almost evil.
there were either 2 or 3 movies about the kid.
he gets adopted by a guy who is about to marry a lady who is a gold digger, so to speak, & the kid makes her life a living hell…at the end the kid and some little girl destroy the wedding, which was outdoors, by pushing a big ball of stone witha craved heart on it down the isle with a dozer or something
its not denis the menace
denis was naive and didnt know what he was doing
this kid was just plain bad and in need of a good ass whooping
thanks alot its been bothering me for weeks!
Best answer:
Answer by thesnuffpunk
“Problem Child”(1990)
There were two sequels, “Problem Child 2″(1991) and “Problem Child 3: Junior In Love”(1995). “Part 3” was definitely not on par with the first two, with I believe only Gilbert Gottfried and Jack Warden returning to reprise their roles.
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