What was your opinion on the current popular psychological/thriller/horror movie “Saw”?
Question by hEy wHaT’s uP.?!: What was your opinion on the current popular psychological/thriller/horror movie “Saw”?
Ok, so, I’ve really been looking for a good horror movie. People say “Saw” is really good! Is it? Well, I was pretty much sure I was gonna end up watching it, but I accidentaly went on the Parent’s Guide on Saw II and it gave me the ending for Saw 1!!! The two guys die. But actually, it’s weird because I knew that, but I wasn’t really aware that I actually DID know it…. I didn’t really make the conenction lol. Because Saw II is with totally different people. Soo yeah, obviously they would of had to die, and I was too blind to see that lol! Soo is the movie ruined for me? I also know that the guy has to saw off his foot. Thanks! (: I’ve seen maybe 45 minutes of it, but I turned it off because I was kinda losing interest. But I wanna get into it! What’s your opinion on it and why? That’s all I wanted to know! Thanks! 🙂
Best answer:
Saw is awesome!
It’s a different kind of horror.. its very gory and gruesome!
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