What’s a good program/software to use for a Wedding Slideshow?
Question by ♛ Leo ♛: What’s a good program/software to use for a Wedding Slideshow?
Hi. My aunt is getting married soon and I would like to make a Legit/Professional Wedding Slideshow for her after. What would be a good software program to use? I’m willing to spend up to $ 150.
I need the one that has cool slideshow effects, transitions, zooming on faces effects, etc……
I also Need suggestions from experienced people on how should i do and not do on the wedding slideshow. You can also give me links to a good website that could help me in this kind of stuff. (i would really appreciate it too).
I have slideshow making experience with Windows Movie Maker.
Thank you for taking your time in reading this. I’ll give everyone a thumbs up 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by military wifey to be
what computer operating system do you have?
the software i use is for Mac [not sure if it has windows capability or not, ill check] and its amazing! i use it to edit my fiance’s skateboarding/snowboarding videos. so i can definetly vouche for that software
thats so sweet of you 🙂 for making this slideshow for her, she’ll love it!
lemme know tho, if you have windows or if you have a mac and ill update
good luck
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