Whats everyone else think about the upcomming new moon movie?
Question by D: !: Whats everyone else think about the upcomming new moon movie?
I’m a girl, I like twilight ‘cus Edward is like perfect boyfriend material.
I’d love to see the sequel, however after reading new moon it’s not so much about edward therefore I don’t think it’ll be as good :\
Am I the only person who recons that if this movie was to show edward all the way though (like what hes up to while hes away instead of bella taking up the majority of the movie – Or at least cutting down how much time is focused on her) Would make this movie alot more appealing?
D: Whats everyone else think?
Best answer:
Answer by tictactoe
i agree with you, this is why i liked new moon the least cause there wasnt enough edward! but thats the way the story goes, so i dont think they should change the movie for that.
i cannot WAIT till the movie comes out. its killling me but it wont be for a while i dont think 🙁
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