What’s the best video editing software for the PC?
Question by Dollaryo: What’s the best video editing software for the PC?
I want to make some movies using a digital camera. I also want them to look professional and not like home movies. Windows Movie Maker seems a little primitive when it comes to editing. When I try to start a scene at a precise moment, it usually isn’t possible. The video is broken down into full seconds and you can only start or end a scene at the beginning or the end of a second. This doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when stringing several clips together, those partial seconds matter when it comes to creating a scene that appears to be uniterrupted.
Any suggestions for software that is a little more advanced in this area? Am I being unrealistic? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Computer Wiz
Sony Vegas 7
Not free but try torrent.
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