Where can i sell my script??

Question by Rodney: Where can i sell my script??

Best answer:

Answer by deez
First, don’t believe what your friends and family say, wheter good or bad. Pay for someone else to read it. That’s called coverage. They’ll tell you what needs to be changed or added. Then you can either get a Writer’s Market book and cold call Agency, ask if they accept unsolicited material and if they do. Send a query letter, Then they’ll let you know if they want to read it. (odds are slim) Or you can ask your friends or family if they know anyone in the business, if they do get them to refer you to an agency and get it read. Or you can enter all the competitions out there and cross your fingers. Me, I have a friend who has a friend at a big Agency in LA and I literaly just sent my script, Good Luck.

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