Which horror movie stock character do you like the most?
Question by Blinky7046: Which horror movie stock character do you like the most?
A. The idiot mad scientist – he started this whole thing, because he’s a jerk and he thought he could contain a flesh eating virus
B. The “funny” one – does nothing to help anyone and doesn’t move the plot in any way, but he/she tries to be a wiseass throughout. You either like them or wait anxiously for them to get killed, but they don’t.
C. The pretty screamer – the one that screams the best out of everyone else in entire movie, but they look pretty while they do it. They’re usually one of the first to get killed, just so we know the bad guy is serious.
D. The sympathetic one – the one that tries to sympathize with the killer and reason with them out of being bad. They die a lot.
E. The classic damsel in distress – that’s about it.
F. The old wise guy – he knows exactly how to outwit the bad guy and survive, but since he’s old no one seems to care and he usually dies being the only real hero of the movie trying to save everyone else.
G. The one that dies the coolest way – no cares who he is but he dies the coolest way, and you can tell the director was going all out to be…creative. Once he’s dead suddenly he’s everyone’s favorite character.
H. The one who gets hurt a million times but survives – the bad guy “kills” them and you think they’re dead but somehow they come out of nowhere alive. they lose like 100 pints of blood but whatever, it’s just a movie right?
I. Mr. Death Wish – guy who doesn’t talk or give a damn about dying, so he comes out with the war paint and starts more mayhem then Freddy, Jason, or the T-virus itself. Usually chain smokes in the background to keep himself busy.
J. The good looking main character – Has it all in life, takes forever to figure out how to defeat the monster/whatever when it’s obvious to everyone else. Everyone dies in front of him (usually trying to save him) and he doesn’t care. They usually make the speech at the end of the movie about morals that he doesn’t have.
Best answer:
Answer by Josh Eldridge
I would have to say H because it is always fun to laugh and say how much can than dude take and wouldn’t he have learned the last time
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