Who thinks the Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief movie will be NOTHING like the book?
Question by Rudy HI: Who thinks the Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief movie will be NOTHING like the book?
Don’t you guys think the movie will be nothing like the book? Like the characters are supposed to be 12, and they look like 16, 17! IF they make the other books into movies, they will be fighting when they are like 21or really old! I think they have to, because there will be too many things left a mystery. I still want to see the movie, but thats basically how movies are compared to books, right?
Best answer:
Answer by Nadia
NOTHING is a bit too harsh. They kept the concept, didn’t they?
Chris Columbus stated that he didn’t want to go through the stress working with 12 year-olds (like in HP 1) so he raised the ages. I think Logan Lerman does fit the description of Percy, doesn’t he? I have no problem on Grover being black, but I still don’t get why they didn’t dye Alex Daddario’s hair and gave her grey contacts.
They had to change some things to make it more movie-like, so people who didn’t read the book will enjoy this, too.
I live in Indonesia and I can assure you that no one, I MEAN NO ONE, has ever heard of Percy Jackson.
I’m gonna see this movie too 😀
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