Who thinks this would make a good movie?
Question by Caleb: Who thinks this would make a good movie?
ok. i was watching the Military Channel today and i saw a story that i think would make an amazing movie.
i’ll try to tell the story as quickly as i can
8 US Special Force Green Berets are on a reconnaissance mission in Iraq in 1991. They have their “camp” set up in a small ditch.irrigationhave those camo nets covering them when 2 little girls come up (1 about 6 and the other about 10) and see them. they try to think of what to do. kill them (which they really dont wanna do) capture them until they leave (also don’t wanna do) or let them go (but they might tell someone they are there) they end up letting them go. then after a while they see a few Militia coming toward them. but the Militia don’t see the Green Berets. then after a while a shot goes off a foot or so from one of the Green Berets. they don’t return fire cause they don’t have much ammo (since it was a recon mission) and they know if they do return fire the Milita will be even more hostile. i forgot exactly what happens at this part. i think the Milita retreat. then the Green Berets see Military (not milita) coming toward them. they decide to destroy all their information type things. anything they can’t carry (cause they wanna be able to move quickly) then they see convoy trucks coming from the highway (thats a ways away) and they try to radio in for air support but while they were destroying their equpiment so they could move quicker they accidently destroyed the antenna to their radio. then one of the guys realizes he has a older radio and try to get it to work. for a few minutes it doesn’t work then after a while it works. and they get ahold of a air force pilot. and ask for support. so he can’t see were they are so he doesn’t wanna drop the bombs cause he might hit them. but then he sees the convoy trucks and drops cluster bombs on them and takes them all out (about 8 trucks i think) then some other planes come to help. there are still around 150 military (i think thats the right number) but they still don’t know exactly were to drop them. so finally one guy thinks he sees were to drop his bombs. so he does. and takes out alot of the military. the Green Berets then tell them what direction (according to the last bomb drop) to drop the next bombs. then another sees the smoke and trys to drop his close to were the other was dropped. knowing thats a safe place to drop. but he almost takes out the Green Berets. then the Green Berets see the Military getting closer. (one of the men was raised a Christian and was talking in the interview about how he had never wanted to kill a man. and he said the 1st man he ever killed was on that day and he was so close he could see his eyes. and he got really shook up over that) then the Green Berets said to drop the cluster bombs “danger close” they all get up against the edge of the ditch for cover. and they all think they are gonna die eitehr from the military or the cluster bombs. 2 of the Green Berets actaully waved goodbye to eachother thinking they would die. then they drop the cluster bombs. and it hit whithin 100 meters of were they were. and they could feel the force of the explosions. and dirt and everything went flying over the top of them. when they got up they said everything was dead. even the plants that had been there were all gone completely. so then they called for evac while the planes had to go back to base to refuel. 20 minutes later helicopters came and got the Green Berets.
i think that would make an awesome movie. but since most movies aren’t ONLY about the actaul mission have a build up. like showing their lives with their familes and everything. maybe right at the beggining show a smaller mission to kinda show what they do. u know how most movies do.
i think that would make an amazing movie. what do u think?
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Orange
i’ll be shocked if anyone read that.
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