Why do film makers make movies out of some of the most famous books out there? plus another question!?

Question by suzie: Why do film makers make movies out of some of the most famous books out there? plus another question!?
Why is it that when you read a book, and then go to see the movie based on the book, you lose interest in the book/movie? When my class was reading Freak the Mighty I thought it was a very interesting book. When we finished the book, we watched The Mighty and I thought that the characters were nothing like how they were described in the book.
Why do people even make books into films/movies?

Best answer:

Answer by OnlyHuman
People like you who like the book go watch the movie! But sadly in almost all cases the movie is worse than the book. Another reason is that people already know about the story so you get more people to watch it and you don’t need to advertise as much as a movie with an original story.

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