Why do people think metal music is for the devil but not rap?
Question by Tom Shortden: Why do people think metal music is for the devil but not rap?
Ok we all know music is music and has a meaning to it. rather it is rap/hip hop, rock/metal, country, reggae, oldies, or anything. But the biggest kind of music are metal and rap and alot of it is inappropriate. Rap has alot of cuss words and has the N word way too much but people think its cool!!
However, if its metal, parents would think that brainwashes their kids like the devil but not rap music!! Why is that? In other words, people play rap all the time and even young kids do and parents let them hear that with cuss words but not metal music!
Why is rock music with swearing much worse than the content of rap? People say rock is DEVIL MUSIC AND RAP ISNT! RAP RHYMES WITH CRAP ANYWAY AND ITS STUPID HOW THEY MAKE MOVIES LIKE THE 8 MILE AND STEP UP THAT TALKS ABOUT RAPPERS! They should make a movie about a rock star and head banger!!
Best answer:
Answer by Talib Fiasco eLZhi> Nazis
Maybe because rappers aren’t satanists dumbfukc
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