Why do people think they know better than the government?
Question by Fake Fokker: Why do people think they know better than the government?
I hate this attitude perpetrated by the Right that the average Joe can run everything better than people who are experts in their fields and have spent their entire lives devoted to their field. Only people on the Right think that some podunk nobody from Alaska (population smaller than most major cities) is qualified to run a megapower like the United States. And they think that any good ole’ boy like Joe the Plumber could run the world’s largest free market economy better than Ben Bernanke or that average joes can make critical decisions about legislation and international affairs. Matt Damon was right. The Right lives in an imaginary world that’s like a bad disney movie – Mr. Nobody suddenly gets in a position of power and can do a better job than the experts. Yeah right. It’s the height of arrogance and self-delusion.
Best answer:
Answer by National Bolshevik
I don’t know. Maybe it’s because command economies FAIL everytime?
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