Why does my video speed up in Windows Movie Maker?

Question by Manpit H: Why does my video speed up in Windows Movie Maker?
Ok so here is what I did:

1.Make a vid from Unregistered Hypercam( I have done it millions of times.. never happend to me be4)

2.I drag it into WMM (ALWAYS DO IT!)

3.I click on it so I can see which vid is it.. (aka.. playback)


5.Checked if any speed-up effects were accidently in THAT one vid..Nope..

6.pressed on another vid… same thing..

7. another vid.. same thing again…

and again..

and again…

and ….


Please help me…
if u know how to put it to normal size, give me step -to- step directions.. like 1. go to control panel and 2. press this.. ok??

PLEASE!! I am making a movie for youtube and like.. my subscribers are waiting by TOMORRW!

={ Please help! Dont say that I “accidently switched on” the speedy thing… cuz I know HOW to go to effects then press speed up ok? So please help help help~!
If u dont exactly know what I mean: ok so press on a vid and it is like SO fast than its normal speed. I know I didn’t put the speed effect on it! I also checked! On EVERY VID THAT is speedy (which is all of them!) So please help me!!

BTW: if u r interested in rune scape.. then plz visit my channel: RWP (Runescape Wishez Productions)
Don’t say that it is for “losers” becuz I dont play it anymore.. I just make vidz… I get bored becuz of NOT playing RUNESCAPE!

Best answer:

Answer by Jesus
This has happened to me as well, and it’s because Windows Movie Maker doesn’t work well with some video formats. Sometimes it will handle a video, but poorly (only playing the audio, or like in your case, rendering it too fastly). Really the only options are to convert the video to WMV or just use a different video editor.

I would say get a different program, Windows Movie Maker is boring anyway!

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