Why have we progressed SO far with special effects in films, yet we still can’t make the basics realistic?
Question by .: Why have we progressed SO far with special effects in films, yet we still can’t make the basics realistic?
we’ve advanced as a society enough to make imaginary things look real in films. but even in many films that are supposed to be as close to reality as possible, some key elements are still glamorized to the point of ridiculousness.
what i’m mainly referring to in this question is movies/tv shows involving people being trapped on desert islands. the men grow beards and possibly long hair because of their lack of grooming supplies. they may look filthier to realistically show that they don’t have soap and shampoo.
BUT the women are always completely hairless (what happened to shaving their legs? and not ALL women get laser hair removal 😛 ) and there’s no way to explain what they do during their periods, since they don’t even have a change of clothes in many of these “island” movies.
any explanation?
why haven’t we advanced enough as a society to accept these realistic factors, and include them into our films?
Best answer:
Answer by Big Sky
Hairy women are gross. Kinda like they don’t show people, uh, “evacuating their bowels” when they die. How would you like that? Alone, stranded in the desert, guy’s love of his life is all hairy, dies in his arms, and poops and pees her tattered dress. Sorta takes away from things, don’t you think?
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