Why you Should Learn to Love the Logline


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I discovered something a few years ago — that a professional screenwriter (or at least someone capable of writing professional caliber material) is GOOD WITH WORDS. Seems obvious, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. As anyone who’s read more than 30 or 40 unproduced screenplays can tell you, you pretty much know by the end of page 5 whether or not the writer knows what they’re doing. What I’ve discovered is that you REALLY know after just the logline. If you can’t grab me in two sentences, why should I believe you’ll grab me in a few thousand?

So, in short, loglines are NOT the enemy.

In fact, crafting a powerful logline will help you exercise the very same skills that will help you craft a powerful screenplay.

And when you send off that logline, you should KNOW what reaction I’m going to have when I read it. When you can do

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