Will there be a New Moon to the sequel for Twilight Movie?
Question by avabellla: Will there be a New Moon to the sequel for Twilight Movie?
Twilight, the movie version of the book of Stephenie Meyer has been released since November 21st. I was wondering since the Twilight Saga has up to 4 volumes, if they are going to make the 2nd one, New Moon soon. The book seemed to be boring in most parts with one of the main characters, Edward gone. The response of the first movie seemd quite popular, as much as the books. I’ve heard the cast has signed a contract and Jacob, one of the characters of the movie, claimed that New Moon would be released at 2009. Is this true? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Lehi V
This is going to happen like Harry Potter, once you begin the first book into a movie, the rest will follow…
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