WoW Restorarion Shaman healing guide commentary, The basics [Part 1]

Greetings. In this video-voice narated guide i shall teach you how to heal as a restoration shaman. This video covers the basic things like: *Talents: *Glyphs *What spells do restoration shamans use *When to use which spells and how to perform in a combat situation *Which Earth,Water,Fire,Wind totems to use This video is part of a series and will have a few follow-ups that will discuss things like which addons to get for a resto shaman and which macro’s to get. Please take note that making these takes time and i can’t throw ’em out like crazy. Please stay subscribed in the meantime. If this video gets bad received i ofc won’t be making a followup. This resto shaman healing guide is made for patch 3.3.2 -Stay tuned by subscribing to my channel 😉

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