You Have to Kid Around With Your Romance in Order to Have a Successful Making Up Relationship With Your Ex Love Partner
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blow bubbles. Buy some bubblegum. Have a bubble blowing contest.
Blow bubbles during a slight breeze before sundown. Blow them big and let each one carry a secret wish. Go out and buy a music CD together. When you return home, turn on the music, sit on the back porch and enjoy hot cider or a cold crink and each other’s company. Plan a picnic on a playground for children and play on the swings. Enjoy the feeling of flying through the breeze. Play on the slide or in the sand box. Blindfold your date, drive him to an ice cream parlour and make him guess the flavour of as many samples as they’ll let you try.
Power walk through the park, then stop for some social lubricant, relax and catch your breath. Go to the library. Each quietly read a children’s book, then go sit under a tree and take turns telling each other the story