Your U.S.P-Unique Selling Point
Your U.S.P-Unique Selling Point
Unless your the only person on the planet, which I am pretty sure your not, or your the only person who is actively working your particular business market of which again I am quite sure you are not, then you will need your U.S.P.-Unique selling Point. For if your ever to rise above the noise of all that competition competing against your products, your services, your opportunity then knowing you U.S.P is critical.
What Is a U.S.P.
Your U.S.P is something that differentiates you from all the other competitors out there who are trying to do exactly what it is that you do. Its what makes you “Unique” and not just like everybody else. Its what will give you the edge when a customer or prospect is making their decision on whether to buy from you or join you rather than doing this with a competitor.
If your in Multi Level