Your U.S.P-Unique Selling Point
Your U.S.P-Unique Selling Point
Unless your the only person on the planet, which I am pretty sure your not, or your the only person who is actively working your particular business market of which again I am quite sure you are not, then you will need your U.S.P.-Unique selling Point. For if your ever to rise above the noise of all that competition competing against your products, your services, your opportunity then knowing you U.S.P is critical.
What Is a U.S.P.
Your U.S.P is something that differentiates you from all the other competitors out there who are trying to do exactly what it is that you do. Its what makes you “Unique” and not just like everybody else. Its what will give you the edge when a customer or prospect is making their decision on whether to buy from you or join you rather than doing this with a competitor.
If your in Multi Level
Marketing, Network Marketing or Direct sales be it online or offline, having a U.S.P could be the difference between staying in business or not. Because these days and in these particular markets there is now so much choice and availability for the customer/prospect to choose from that being aware of this is a must.
What Is My U.S.P
Your U.S.P-Unique Selling Point can be anything but its got to be different. If its the same as someone else then its not unique.
It could be a particular skill that you have. All though this skill in itself may not be unusual the way in which you have used it might be. It could also be an experience you have had that will make you stand out from all your competitors.
Perhaps your products do something slightly different to everyone else’s. May be you have a unique way of training people.
great way of finding your U.S.P is to ask yourself questions like this ” Why would somebody join my business” “Why would somebody want to work with me” or ” Why would they buy my products and not someone else’s.” Asking these sorts of questions will help you find it.
I Have Found It So Now What
Ok great you now have a different angle, a different view that you can now expose. You have discovered something in which the customer/Prospect can get to grips with and see that it would be in their benefit to choose you.
Then if so let the world know about it. Put it in your marketing, put it on your website, on your blog. Use it in your prospecting script. Let people hear about it in any way shape or form. But here is the key. Don’t ram it down there throats that you are so much better than that guy or company over there. Yes let people know why
your different, why your better but don’t go on and on.
People will pick up on this and think you are covering up something else. So be a bit more subtle in your ads and talk etc.
Have Fun With It
One last thing here folks whatever your U.S.P-Unique Selling Point is have fun with it. We tend to forget that life which includes your business is supposed to be fun. We can have fun and still make money and by doing so we give the end user a much better experience which in its self is a U.S.P.
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